Palalas, A., & Pegrum, M. (in press). Attentional literacy. In L. McCallum & D. Tafazoli (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
Tour, E., Pegrum, M., & Macdonald, S. (in press). Engaging English language learners in AI literacy practices: A conceptual framework and practical strategies for educators. English Australia Journal.
Tour, E., Pegrum, M., & Macdonald, S. (in press). AI literacy practices. In L. McCallum & D. Tafazoli (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
Pegrum, M. (in press). Mobile devices. In G. Stockwell & Y. Wang (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of technology in language teaching and learning. Cambridge University Press.
Pegrum, M. (2025). Super jagged literacies: Superdiversity, jagged profiles, and digital literacies in refugee and migrant education. In E. Tour, E. Creely, P. Waterhouse & M. Henderson (Eds.), Digital empowerment for refugee and migrant learners: Applying strengths-based practice to adult education. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003422891-4
Oakley, G., Dawson, V., & Pegrum, M. (2025). Using extended reality (XR) technologies to teach literacy in primary school science within a 5E instructional model. Research in Science & Technological Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02635143.2024.2446792
Palalas, A., Pegrum, M., & Dell, D. (2024). Regaining focus: Promoting attentional literacy in digital higher education. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 40(6), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.9627
Lotherington, H., Pegrum, M., Thumlert, K., Tomin, B., Boreland, T., & Pobuda, T. (2024). Exploring opportunities for language immersion in the posthuman spectrum: Lessons learned from digital agents. Interactive Technology & Smart Education. https://doi.org/10.1108/ITSE-02-2024-0038
Pegrum, M., & Lan, Y.-J. (2023). Editorial. Extended reality (XR) in language learning: Developments and directions. Language Learning & Technology, 27(3), 1-5. https://www.lltjournal.org/item/10125-73528/
Longnecker, N., Pegrum, M., & Bartle, E. (2023). Creative podcasting to develop content knowledge and communication skills. In S. Rowland & L. Kuchel (Eds)., Teaching science students to communicate: A practical guide (pp. 405-412). Springer.
King, M., Forsey, M., & Pegrum, M. (2023). International scholarships and Southern agency: An ethnography of alumni, scholars, and applicants. Journal of Studies in International Education, 27(2), 178-197. https://doi.org/10.1177/10283153211054144
Oon, P. T., Pegrum, M., Stevenson, M., & Benson, S. (2023). Exploring science pedagogy on the web 2.0/mobile border: Teachers’ views of a mobile wiki-based inquiry approach. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/12820
Oakley, G., Pegrum, M., Lander, B., Tomei, J., Sonobe, N., & deBoer, M. (2023). ‘Free rein’ to learn about language, culture and technology: A multimodal digital text exchange project between school students in Australia and Japan. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 18. https://rptel.apsce.net/index.php/RPTEL/article/view/2023-18034
Perrotta, C., Lim, C. P., Selwyn, N., Bennett, S., Dalgarno, B., Brown, C., Pillay, H., Jeong, H-S., Hunter, J., Pangrazio, L., Carvalho, L., Hartnett, M., Pegrum, M., Henderson, M., Twining, P., Dawson, P., Buchanan, R., Howard, S., & Prestridge, S. (2022). Consultation for the 2023 GEM Report on technology and education with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. Faculty of Education Working Paper #1. Melbourne, Monash University. https://doi.org/10.26180/21114046
Wong, E. Y. W., Cox, M. D., Kwong, T., Law, L. Y. N., Pegrum, M. A. (2022, Aug. 10). Editorial: Technology-assisted learning: Honing students’ affective outcomes. Frontiers in Education. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.969667
Pegrum, M., Hockly, N., & Dudeney, G. (2022). Digital literacies (2nd ed.). Routledge. [book]
Pegrum, M., & Palalas, A. (2021). Attentional literacy as a new literacy: Helping students deal with digital disarray. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La Revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie, 47(2). https://doi.org/10.21432/cjlt28037
Oakley, G., Pegrum, M., Kheang, T., & Seng, K. (2021). Mobile learning for early reading in Cambodia. Education and Information Technologies, 27, 1467-1487. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10615-y
Pegrum, M. (2021). Augmented reality learning: Education in real-world contexts. In T. Beaven & F. Rosell-Aguilar (Eds.), Innovative language pedagogy report (pp. 115-120). Research-publishing.net. https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2021.50.1245
Pegrum, M., Oakley, G., Kheang, T., & Seng, K. (2020). ‘They just wanted to play’: A mobile-enhanced early literacy intervention in Cambodia. In World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2020 (pp. 18-24). IAmLearn. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/218883/
Pegrum, M. (2019). Mobile lenses on learning: Languages and literacies on the move. Springer. [book]
Ohashi, L., Hubbard, P., Pegrum, M., Guth, S., Helm, F., & Hauck, M. (2019). CALL for help: Critical CALL for diversity, inclusion and sustainability. In D. Barr, E. Bañados & A. Gimeno (Eds.), WorldCALL 2018 Conference Proceedings (pp. 76-81). Universidad de Concepción. https://worldcall.webs.upv.es/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Proceedings-in-one-volume.pdf
King, M., Forsey, M., & Pegrum, M. (2019). Southern agency and digital education: An ethnography of open online learning in Dili, Timor-Leste. Learning, Media and Technology, 44(3), 283-298. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2019.1639191
Pegrum, M. (2019). Mobile AR trails and games for authentic language learning. In Y. Zhang & D. Cristol (Eds.), Handbook of mobile teaching and learning (2nd ed.). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2766-7_89
Palmer, A., Pegrum, M., & Oakley, G. (2019). A wake-up call? Issues with plagiarism in transnational higher education. Ethics & Behavior, 29(1), 23-50. https://doi.org/10.1080/10508422.2018.1466301
Wong, E. Y, Law, L., Kwong, T., & Pegrum, M. (2018). Experiences from augmented reality trails of integrity and ethics to help students learn abstract concepts. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 29(3-4), 37-52. http://celt.muohio.edu/ject/issue.php?v=29&n=3%20and%204
Pegrum, M., Dudeney, G., & Hockly, N. (2018). Digital literacies revisited. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 7(2), 3-24. http://www.theeuropeanjournal.eu/download/EJALTEFL_02_2018.pdf
Wong, E., Kwong, T., & Pegrum, M. (2018). Learning on mobile augmented reality trails of integrity and ethics. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 13(22), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41039-018-0088-6
King, M., Pegrum, M., & Forsey, M. (2018). MOOCs and OER in the Global South: Problems and potential. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL), 19(5). https://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/3742/4804
Pegrum, M. (2018). MALL 的三个阶段. In A. Palalas & M. Ally (Eds.), 移动技术辅助语言学习国际手册 (pp. 78-102). 北京: 国家开放大学出版社. [Chinese version of ‘Three agendas for MALL’, 2016.]
O’Neil, F., & Pegrum, M. (2018). Keeping up the momentum: A longitudinal evaluation of professional development in digital technologies for academic librarians at an Australian university. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(4), 439-445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2018.05.009
Oakley, G., Pegrum, M., Kheang, T., & Seng, K. (2018). An evaluation of the integration of m-learning in Total Reading Approach for Children Plus (TRAC+): Enhancing literacy of early grade students in Cambodia. Washington, DC: World Vision and Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development. http://dl4d.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/TRAC-DGBL.pdf
Churchill, D., Pegrum, M., & Churchill, N. (2018). The implementation of mobile learning in Asia: Key trends in practices and research. In J. Voogt, et al. (Eds.), Second handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education (2nd ed.) (pp. 817-857). Springer. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-53803-7_54-1
Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Pegrum, M. (2018). Linguistic diversity in online and mobile learning. In A. Creese & A. Blackledge (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language and superdiversity (pp. 518-532). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315696010-36/linguistic-diversity-online-mobile-learning-agnes-kukulska-hulme-mark-pegrum
Oakley, G., Pegrum, M., Xiong, X., Lim, C., & Yan, H. (2018). An online Chinese-Australian language and cultural exchange through digital storytelling. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 31(2), 128-149. https://doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2017.1386193
Churchill, D., & Pegrum, M. (2017). Guest editorial: Mobile learning, emerging learning design and learning 2.0. Special issue of Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 14(2), 90-96. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ITSE-02-2017-0016/full/pdf
Palmer, A., Oakley, G., & Pegrum, M. (2017). A culture of sharing: Transnational higher education students’ views on plagiarism in the digital era. The International Journal of Management in Education, 11(4), 381-404. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMIE.2017.086893
Pegrum, M. (2017). Foreword: Promoting diversity through e-portfolios. In T. Chaudhuri & B. Cabau (Eds.), E-portfolios in higher education: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. v-viii). Springer.
Pegrum, M., & Oakley, G. (2017). The changing landscape of e-portfolios: Reflections on 5 years of implementing e-portfolios in pre-service teacher education. In T. Chaudhuri & B. Cabau (Eds.), E-portfolios in higher education: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 21-34). Springer.
Reinders, H., & Pegrum, M. (2017). Supporting language learning on the move: An evaluative framework for mobile language learning resources. In B. Tomlinson (Ed.), SLA research and materials development for language learning (pp. 219-231). Routledge. [book]
Dudeney, G., Hockly, N., & Pegrum, M. (2016). Letramentos digitais. Trans. M. Marcionilo. Parábola. [Portuguese version of Digital Literacies, 2013.]
Pegrum, M. (2016). Three agendas for MALL. In A. Palalas & M. Ally (Eds.), The international handbook of mobile-assisted language learning (pp. 86-112). China Central Radio & TV University Press.
Pegrum, M. (2016). Languages and literacies for digital lives. In E. Martín-Monje, I. Elorza, & B. García Riaza (Eds.), Technology-enhanced language learning for specialized domains: Practical applications and mobility (pp. 9-22). Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315651729-12/languages-literacies-digital-lives
Pegrum, M. (2016). Mobile learning, today and tomorrow. In M. Iguchi & L. Yoffe (Eds.), Mobile learning in and out of the classroom: Balancing blended language learner training. JACET Summer Seminar Proceedings, 14, pp. 4-11. JACET.
Pegrum, M. (2016). Future directions in mobile learning. In D. Churchill, J. Lu, T. K. F. Chiu, & B. Fox (Eds.), Mobile learning design: Theories and application (pp. 413-431). Springer.
Pegrum, M. (2015). VLEs or PLEs? Vignette in H. Reinders, Technology. In J. C. Richards (Ed.), Key issues in language teaching (pp. 634-664) [p. 655]. Cambridge University Press
Oakley, G., & Pegrum, M. (2015). Engaging in networked learning: Innovating at the intersection of technology and pedagogy. Education Research and Perspectives, 42, 397-428. https://www.erpjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/1_ERPV42_Oakley_2015_Engaged-in-Networked-Learning.pdf
Pegrum, M. (2015). Mobile learning: What is it and what are its possibilities? In M. Henderson & G. Romeo (Eds.), Teaching and digital technologies: Big issues and critical questions (pp. 142-153). Cambridge University Press.
Howitt, C., & Pegrum, M. (2015). Implementing a flipped classroom approach in postgraduate education: An unexpected journey into pedagogical redesign. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(4), 458-469. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.2439
Chow, E. H. C., Thadani, D. R., Wong, E. Y. W., & Pegrum, M. (2015). Mobile technologies and augmented reality: Early experiences in helping students learn about academic integrity and ethics. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 2(7), 112-120. https://www.arcjournals.org/pdfs/ijhsse/v2-i7/13.pdf
Reinders, H., Lakarnchua, O., & Pegrum, M. (2015). A trade-off in learning: Mobile augmented reality for language learning. In M. Thomas & H. Reinders (Eds.), Contemporary task-based language teaching in Asia (pp. 244-256). Bloomsbury.
Pegrum, M., Bartle, E., & Longnecker, N. (2015). Can creative podcasting promote deep learning? The use of podcasting for learning content in an undergraduate science unit. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(1), 142-152. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12133
Pegrum, M. (2014). Mobile literacy: Navigating new learning opportunities and obligations. In W. C.-C. Chu, H.-C. Chao & L. C. Jain (Eds.), The Proceedings of International Computer Symposium (ICS) 2014, Vol.1 (pp.660-667). Dept of Computer Science, Tunghai University.
Pegrum, M., Oakley, G., Lim, C. P., Xiong, X. B., & Yan, H. (2014). Digital storytelling across cultures: Connecting Chinese & Australian schools. In P. Kommers, T. Issa, T. Issa, D.-F. Chang & P. Isaías (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conferences on Educational Technologies (ICEduTech 2014) and Sustainability, Technology and Education 2014 (STE 2014), New Taipei City, Taiwan, 10-12 December (pp. 191-196). IADIS Press.
Pegrum, M. (2014). Mobile learning: Languages, literacies and cultures. Palgrave Macmillan. [book]
Oakley, G., Pegrum, M., & Johnston, S. (2014). Introducing e-portfolios to pre-service teachers as tools for reflection and growth: Lessons learnt. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 42(1), 36-50. [Featured as the most read article of 2014 in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education.] https://doi.org/10.1080/1359866X.2013.854860
Pegrum, M., Oakley, G., Clarke, J., & Sligar, J. (2013). An ecology of mobile screens: iPads meet XOs in a desert school. 12th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2013): Proceedings. https://www.qscience.com/content/papers/10.5339/qproc.2013.mlearn.4
Pegrum, M., Howitt, C., & Striepe, M. (2013). Learning to take the tablet: How pre-service teachers use iPads to facilitate their learning. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(4), 464-479. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.187
Dudeney, G., Hockly, N., & Pegrum, M. (2013). Digital literacies. Pearson. [book] [Winner of the British Council Award for ELT Writing in 2014; shortlisted for the Ben Warren International House Trust Prize & the British Council ELTons in 2014.]
Pegrum, M., Oakley, G., & Faulkner, R. (2013). Schools going mobile: A study of the adoption of mobile handheld technologies in Western Australian independent schools. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(1), 66-81. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.64
Oakley, G., Pegrum, M., Faulkner, R., & Striepe, M. (2012). Exploring the pedagogical applications of mobile technologies for teaching literacy. Report for the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia. https://www.education.uwa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/2195652/AISWA-Report-FINAL-Final-101012-2.pdf
Pegrum, M., & Oakley, G. (2012). How to build an e-portfolio. Education Review, Sept., p. 30.
Oakley, G., Pegrum, M., & Faulkner, R. (2012). Changing everything? iPads in education. Professional Educator, 11(5), July, pp. 8-9.
Lamy, M.-N., & Pegrum, M. (2012). Hegemonies in CALL. Language Learning & Technology, 16(2), 1-3. https://doi.org/10125/44278
Pegrum, M., & Kiel, R. (2011). ‘Changing the way we talk’: Developing librarians’ competence in emerging technologies through a structured program. College & Research Libraries, 72(6), 583-598. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl-190
Bartle, E., Longnecker, N., & Pegrum, M. (2011). Collaboration, contextualisation and communication using new media: Introducing podcasting into an undergraduate chemistry class. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 19(1), 16-28. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258836939_Collaboration_Contextualisation_and_Communication_Using_New_Media_Introducing_Podcasting_into_an_Undergraduate_Chemistry_Class
Cluett, L., Skene, J., & Pegrum, M. (2011). Infecting professional staff with the emerging technology ‘virus’: How the leadership game has changed. Open Conference Systems, CCA-EDUCAUSE Australasia 2011.
Pegrum, M. (2011). Modified, multiplied and (re-)mixed: Social media and digital literacies. In M. Thomas (Ed.), Digital education: Opportunities for social collaboration (pp. 9-35). Palgrave Macmillan.
Pegrum, M. (2010). ‘I link, therefore I am’: Network literacy as a core digital literacy. E-learning and Digital Media, 7(4), 346-354. https://doi.org/10.2304/elea.2010.7.4.346
Pegrum, M. (2010, Sep. 6). Computers are about people. UWA News, 29(13), p.16.
Bartle, E., Longnecker, N., & Pegrum, M. (2010). Can creating podcasts be a useful assignment in a large undergraduate chemistry class? Proceedings of the 16th Uniserve Science Annual Conference, September 29th-October 1st 2010, The University of Sydney (pp. 104-107).
Bax, S., & Pegrum, M. (2010). Lurking in multicultural online educational forums: ‘I wasn’t invited to the party’. In A. T. Ragusa (Ed.), Interaction in communication technologies & virtual learning environments: Human factors (pp. 145-159). Information Science Reference.
Pegrum, M. (2010, Jan. 22). Seeking a sober, balanced footing as we surf web of intrigue. The Canberra Times, p. 23.
Pegrum, M. (2009). The getting of digital wisdom. Edited excerpt of From blogs to bombs. New Matilda, 27 Nov. https://newmatilda.com/2009/11/27/getting-digital-wisdom/
Pegrum, M. (2009). From blogs to bombs: The future of digital technologies in education. UWA Publishing.
Pegrum, M. (2009). Communicative networking & linguistic mashups on web 2.0. In M. Thomas (Ed.), Handbook of research on web 2.0 and second language learning (pp. 20-41). Information Science Reference.
Pegrum, M. (2009). Essential conversations: 4 visions of CALL. In T. Koyama et al (Eds), Proceedings of the WorldCALL 2008 Conference. The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology.
Pegrum, M. (2008). Film, culture and identity: Critical intercultural literacies for the language classroom. Language and Intercultural Communication, 8(2), 136-154. https://doi.org/10.1080/14708470802271073
Pegrum, M., & Ioannou-Georgiou, S. (2007). Context and community on web 2.0. CALL Review, summer, 41-44.
Pegrum, M., & Cook, B. (2007). The need for netiquette. In S. Bennett, D. Marsh & C. Killen (Eds.), Handbook of online education (pp. 105-113). Continuum.
Pegrum, M. (2007). Negotiated assessment criteria. In S. Bennett, D. Marsh & C. Killen (Eds.), Handbook of online education (pp. 288-293). Continuum.
Pegrum, M. (2007). Time to think: Asynchronous text-based conferencing as a debating tool. In S. Bennett, D. Marsh & C. Killen (Eds.), Handbook of online education (pp. 198-204). Continuum.
Lockard, J., & Pegrum, M. (2007). From counterdiscourses to counterpedagogies: An introduction. In J. Lockard & M. Pegrum (Eds.), Brave new classrooms: Democratic education and the internet (pp. 1-10). Peter Lang.
Pegrum, M. (2007). Socrates and Plato meet neoliberalism in the virtual agora: Online dialog and the development of oppositional pedagogies. In J. Lockard & M. Pegrum (Eds.), Brave new classrooms: Educational democracy and the internet (pp. 13-34). Peter Lang.
Pegrum, M. (2006). Hard, soft or wet? Directions in e-learning. CALL Review, summer, 10-13.
Pegrum, M., & Hall, C. (2006). Linguistic preferences and prejudices: Student perceptions of relative difficulty in learning French, German and Spanish. Deutsch lehren und lernen, 33, spring, 10-19.
Pegrum, M., Hartley, L., & Wechtler, V. (2005). Contemporary cinema in language learning: From linguistic input to intercultural insight. Language Learning Journal, 32, winter, 55-62. https://doi.org/10.1080/09571730585200191
Pegrum, M. (2005). Speed kills: Slowing down online language teacher training. In B. Beaven (Ed.), IATEFL 2005: Cardiff Conference Selections (pp. 156-158). IATEFL.
Pegrum, M. (2005). The colonizer within? IATEFL Voices, 187, p. 2. Reprinted in the IATEFL Associates’ Articles Bank. https://associates.iatefl.org/pages/materials/voicespdf/gi10.pdf
Pegrum, M. (2005). Virgins, vixens, vamps and victims: François Ozon’s 8 Femmes and the sexual (sub-)texts of French popular culture. Australian Journal of French Studies, 42(1), 76-93.
Pegrum, M., & Hall, C. (2005). English only for foreigners?. Links, 31, 14-15.
Hall, C., & Pegrum, M. (2004, Apr. 15). Grammar should be a friend, not an enemy. The Guardian Weekly, 170(17), “Learning English” Supplement, 4. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2004/apr/15/tefl.wordsandlanguage
Pegrum, M. (2004). And on the eighth day: The struggle for linguistic organization. Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life, 65.
Pegrum, M. (2004). Selling English: Advertising and the discourses of ELT. English Today, 77(20.1), 3-10. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078404001026
Pegrum, M. (2001). A getting of wisdom? / Sage?. Mots Pluriels, 19, [special issue]: “The net: New apprentices and old masters II”. https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP1901edito1.html / https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP1901edito2.html
Pegrum, M. (2001). A coming of age? / Majeur? Mots Pluriels, 18, [special issue]: “The net: New apprentices and old masters I”. https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP1801edito1.html / https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP1801edito2.html
Pegrum, M. (2001). The state of the net: Reflections on New York dogs and Trojan horses. An Interview with John Frow. Mots Pluriels, 18, [special issue]: “The net: New apprentices and old masters I”. https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP1801jf.html
Pegrum, M. (2001). Pop goes (the) spiritual! Or, remixing religion in western pop music. M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.5204/mcj.1904
Pegrum, M. (2001). The postmodern Buddha. Culture Clash, 4, January 29. [Reprinted at Urban Dharma.] http://www.urbandharma.org/udnl1/nl100703.html
Pegrum, M. (2000). Challenging modernity: Dada between modern and postmodern. Berghahn. [book]
Pegrum, M. (2000). Pop particles / What’s in a title? In A. Lawrie (Ed.), Try it: It works! SATEFL.
Pegrum, M. (2000). EFL website design: What, how and why. SATEFL Newsletter, 20(1), 5-8.
Pegrum, M. (2000). The outside world as an extension of the EFL/ESL classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, vi(8).
Lancaster, R., & Pegrum, M. (1999). Teaching culture in the media age: Cultural studies in the multimedia classroom. Babel, 34(1), 16-19 & 35.
Pegrum, M. (1998). Multimedia technology in the teaching of French. Teaching and Learning in Changing Times: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Teaching and Learning Forum (pp. 255-258). The University of Western Australia.
Pegrum, M. (1997, Nov.). The death of fashion and the rebirth of style. Soup, 2.
Pegrum, M. (1997). A big disease with a little name: AIDS reflected in contemporary culture. Mots Pluriels, 1(3). https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP397mpeg.html
Pegrum, M. (1997). Teaching French from the world wide web. Issues of Teaching and Learning, 3(5).
Pegrum, M. (1996). Stop all the clocks: The postmodern assault on time. Mots Pluriels, 1(1). https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP197zmpeg.html
Alm, A., & Pegrum, M. (in progress). (Eds.). “New Literacies and Language Education” section of L. McCallum & D. Tafazoli (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Computer-Assisted Language Learning.
Pegrum, M., & Lan, Y. (2023). (Guest Eds.). Special issue: ‘Extended Reality (XR) in Language Learning’, Language Learning & Technology, 27(3), Oct. https://www.lltjournal.org/collection/col_10125_106326/
Wong, E., Cox, M., Kwong, T., Law, L., & Pegrum, M. (2021). (Guest Eds.). Special issue of Frontiers in Education on ‘Technology-Assisted Learning: Honing Students’ Affective Outcomes’. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/13669/technology-assisted-learning-honing-students-affective-outcomes
Churchill, D., & Pegrum, M. (Guest Eds.). (2017). Special issue of Interactive Technology and Smart Education on ‘Mobile Learning, Emerging Learning Design, and Learning 2.0’. https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/1741-5659/vol/14/iss/2
Lamy, M.-N., & Pegrum, M. (Guest Eds.). (2012). Special issue of Language Learning & Technology on ‘Hegemonies in CALL’. https://www.lltjournal.org/collection/col_10125_35921/
Lockard, J., & Pegrum, M. (Eds.). (2007). Brave new classrooms: Educational democracy and the internet. Peter Lang.
Pegrum, M. (Guest Ed.). (2001). Special issue of Mots Pluriels on ‘The Net: New Apprentices and Old Masters (Part 2)’. https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP1901index.html
Pegrum, M. (Guest Ed.). (2001). Special issue of Mots Pluriels on ‘The Net: New Apprentices and Old Masters (Part 1)’. https://motspluriels.arts.uwa.edu.au/MP1801index.html
Last update: February 2025.

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