- Technology-related Master’s and Doctoral research
ongoing | Ph.D. | “Exploring teacher agency in a digital learning setting: A narrative inquiry among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Indonesia” |
ongoing | Ph.D. | “The development and use of contextual knowledge (XK) in the TPACK framework among Indonesian secondary school English teachers: A case study in three geographical areas” |
ongoing | Ed.D. | “Lecturers’ and students’ educational experiences of the flipped approach to teaching and learning at one Australian university” |
ongoing | M.Ed. | “The viability and potential strategies for using Generative Artificial Intelligence to enhance gifted education at the primary school level“ |
completed 2025 [pass] | Ed.D. | “Perspectives of adult learners enrolled in Singapore security courses regarding educational technologies” |
completed 2023 [pass] | Ed.D. | “Creating and using massive open online courses in teaching: A study of the Singapore higher education sector” |
completed 2023 [pass] | Ph.D. | “Doing MOOCs in Dili: Southern agency and open online learning in Timor-Leste” |
completed 2018 [pass] |
Ph.D. | “Plagiarism in the digital era: A study of Australian transnational education in Singapore” |
completed 2017 [pass] |
Ph.D. | “The objectified self(ie): The manifestation of internalised sociocultural body ideals in the visual presentation of self on Facebook” |
completed 2016 [pass] |
Ed.D. | “Teacher knowledge, information and communications technology, and the teaching of Chinese as a Second Language in Singapore” |
completed 2015 [pass] |
M.Prof. Eng. | “Application of the ‘Spritz’ mobile reading app to the dynamic presentation of text in project documentation” |
completed 2012 [pass] |
M.Ed. | “Pre-service teachers’ readiness to use ICTs in schools” |
completed 2006 [pass with Distinction] |
M.Phil. | “Computer-mediated communication: A beneficial tool for modern language learning? German business professionals’ perceptions of and attitudes towards learning English via asynchronous discussion boards” |
- Other Master’s and Doctoral research
ongoing | Ed.D. | “Evolution of multiculturalism and cultural policy documents in Singapore” |
completed 2024 [pass] | Ed.D. | “Audio engineering graduates’ perspectives on employability: A study in the Australian context” |
completed 2013 [pass] | Ph.D. | “Language learning, culture and identity: A study of identity development in migrant women of Iranian, Lebanese and Afghan origin” |
completed 2012 [pass] | Ed.D. | “Third generation migrant children learning their heritage language: Insiders’ perspectives” |
completed 2011 [pass] | Ed.D. | “Language switching in African song lyrics produced in Perth, Western Australia: A social semiotic approach” |
completed 2008 [pass] | M.Ed. | “From ‘problem’ to ‘resource’: A place for Singlish in the language classroom?” |
completed 2008 [pass] | M.Ed. | “The effects of Hong Kong’s trilingual policy on language learners’ identities” |
completed 2007 [pass] | Ph.D. | “Challenges in cross-cultural business communication: A study of linguistic, cultural and intercultural issues in Malaysian-Australian business relations” |
completed 2007 [pass] | Ph.D. | “Evasion in Australian parliamentary question time: The case of the Iraq war” |
completed 2007 [pass] | Ph.D. | “Chinese EFL learners’ strategies for vocabulary acquisition: A longitudinal study” [supervision for part of period] |
completed 2007 [pass] | M.Phil. | “English in the Emirates: Imposition or empowerment?” |
completed 2005 [pass] | M.Sc. | “The marketisation of higher education: Chinese students’ views of university marketing in China and in the UK” |
completed 2005 [pass] | M.Sc. | “Hybridity in cultural globalisation: A case study of the positioning of McDonald’s in Chinese culture” |
completed 2005 [pass] | M.Sc. | “Levelling out? The attitude of ELT professionals in the Ile-de-France region, France, towards RP as an accent model” |
completed 2005 [pass] | M.Sc. | “A Chinese perspective on the UCLES Business English Certificate: How international is it?” |
(2024). M.Sci.Comm. Thesis: Resource-efficient games for spatially-located learning.
(2023). Ph.D. Thesis: The role of mobile-assisted language learning in instructed second language acquisition: A mixed methods approach to the integration of MALL in language skills training in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.
(2016). Ph.D. Thesis: Digital storytelling as a means of supporting digital literacy learning in an upper-primary-school English language classroom.
(2015). Ph.D. Thesis: A multiple case study of employees’ informal learning with mobile web 2.0 in the context of foreign investment enterprises in China.
(2014) Ph.D. Thesis: Integrating technology in tertiary level English language programmes: Case studies of Moodle learning environments.
(2005) Ph.D. Thesis: The invisible empire: Border protection on the electronic frontier.
Last update: March 2025.

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