This webpage contains references – academic, journalistic and practical – on all aspects of mobile learning, with a particular emphasis on MALL (mobile-assisted language learning). The vast majority date from the last decade (2015 onwards) but some important older publications, especially books and key articles, are included. Older references may be in older bibliographic formats.
This is a companion webpage to the more general Publications on Digital Learning webpage. It contains references to mobile and mobile-related topics such as apps – AR – augmented reality – BYOD – digital assistants – extended reality – internet of things – iPads – iPhones – learning spaces – makerspaces – mixed reality – MR – podcasting – polling – QR codes – smartphones – tablets – ubiquitous computing – u-learning – virtual/voice assistants – virtual reality – VR – XR. Simply search this page for the term or terms you are seeking by using your browser’s search function. If you spot broken links or would like to suggest additional inclusions, please feel free to contact me.
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- Ahn, T.Y., & Lee, S.-M. (2016). User experience of a mobile speaking application with automatic speech recognition for EFL learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(4), 778-786.
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- Aiyegbayo, O. (2015). How and why academics do and do not use iPads for academic teaching? British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(6), 1324-1332.
- Albadry, H. (2017). An investigation into the role of tablet devices in facilitating collaborative learning in EFL language course. iJET, 12(4), 39-52.
- Albers, R., Davison, C.J., & Johnson, B. (2015). Inquiry-based learning: Emirati university students choose WhatsApp for collaboration. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, 14(2), 1-17.
- Alenezi, A. (2017). Checking on preferential choices of e-learning and m-learning: A case study of Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia. iJET, 12(5), 98-117.
- Alfadil, M. (2020). Effectiveness of virtual reality game in foreign language vocabulary acquisition. Computers & Education, 153.
- Al Hakim, V. G., Yang, S.-H., Liyanawatta, M., Wang, J.-H., & Chen, G.-D. (2022). Robots in situated learning classrooms with immediate feedback mechanisms to improve students’ learning performance. Computers & Education, 182.
- Alhinty, M. (2015). Young language learners’ collaborative learning and social interaction as a motivational aspect of the iPad. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 10(2), 24-29.
- Ali, R. (2022). Potential of Viber messenger to foster online social presence among blended learning students. Journal of Educators Online, 19(3).
- Alioon, Y., & Delialioğlu, Ö. (2019). The effect of authentic m-learning activities on student engagement and motivation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(2), 655-668.
- Alizadeh, M., & Cowie, N (2021). An exploratory student-centred approach to immersive virtual reality: Reflections and future directions. In Gregory, S., Warburton, S., & Schier, M. (Eds.) Back to the Future – ASCILITE ’21. Proceedings ASCILITE 2021 in Armidale (pp. 131–136).
- Alkhattabi, M. (2017). Augmented reality as e-learning tool in primary schools’ education: Barriers to teachers’ adoption. iJET, 12(2), 91-100.
- Alkhezzi, F., & Al-Dousari, W. (2016). The impact of mobile learning on ESP learners’ performance. The Journal of Educators Online, 13(2), 73-101.
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- Al-Otaibi, H.M., AlAmer, R.A., Al-Khalifa, H.S. (2016). The next generation of language labs: Can mobiles help? A case study. Computers in Human Behavior, 59, 342-349.
- Alper, M. (2018). Inclusive sensory ethnography: Studying new media and neurodiversity in everyday life. New Media & Society, 20(10), 3560-3579.
- Alvarez, V., Bower, M., de Freitas, S., Gregory, S., & de Wit, B. (2016). The use of wearable technologies in Australian universities: Examples from environmental science, cognitive and brain sciences and teacher training. In L.E. Dyson, W. Ng & J. Fergusson (Eds.), Mobile learning futures: Sustaining quality research and practice in mobile learning. 15th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, mLearn 2016, Sydney, Australia, October 24-26, 2016 Proceedings (pp.25-32). Sydney: UTS.
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- Andujar, A. (2016). Benefits of mobile instant messaging to develop ESL writing. System, 62, 63-76.
- Antonaci, A., Klemke, R., & Specht, M. (2015). Towards design patterns for augmented reality serious games. In T.H. Brown & H.J. van der Merwe (Eds.), The mobile learning voyage – From small ripples to massive open waters. 14th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, mLearn 2015, Venice, Italy, October 17-24, 2015, Proceedings (pp.273-282). Cham: Springer.
- Araiza-Alba, P., Keane, T., Chen, W. S., & Kaufman, J. (2021). Immersive virtual reality as a tool to learn problem-solving skills. Computers & Education, 164.
- Arispe, K., & Burston, J. (2017). Making it personal: Performance-based assessments, ubiquitous technology, and advanced learners. Language Learning & Technology, 21(3), 44-58.
- Aslan, E. (2024). Bite-sized language teaching in the digital wild: Relational pedagogy and micro-celebrity English teachers on Instagram. System, 121.
- Auld, G., & Djabibba, L. (2015). Using digital technologies with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. In M. Henderson & G. Romeo (Eds.), Teaching and digital technologies: Big issues and critical questions. Cambridge University Press.
- Aydogdu, F. (2022). Augmented reality for preschool children: An experience with educational contents. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(2), 326-358.
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- Bacca, J., Baldiris, S., Fabregat, R., Graf, S., & Kinshuk. (2014). Augmented reality trends in education: A systematic review of research and applications. Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 133-149.
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- Baceviciute, S., Terkildsen, T., & Makransky, G. (2021). Remediating learning from non-immersive to immersive media: Using EEG to investigate the effects of environmental embeddedness on reading in virtual reality. Computers & Education, 164.
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Last update: February 2025.

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